Monday, June 30, 2014

Mostly animals

 A White Admiral shows some wear.
 These 2 scarecrows should frighten an crow in the neighborhood, but cause a 911 call from someone driving passed.
 Mr Mink ran across the path then looked back to see if it was safe to cross back
 It was safe.
The Box turtles were laying eggs in the trail

Thursday, June 26, 2014


 Yesterday it was raining allowing this guy to wear his rainsuit to mow the golf course.  It also allowed to mow without the worry of golfers clobbering him with a ball,  They were are home.
 It stopped raining today so this poor pearson must have been sweaped away yesterday when the creek was higher.
The water is still really moving today.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Along the trail

 Is this the right pose?

The wild cherries are getting ripe.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

A duck and white flowers

 A Mallard sits waiting for his mate.
 I thought this was a large patch of Rosa Multi flora, but up close are raspberry vines and at the curve are the rosa muli flora
 More Rosa multi flora
 Did some young girl make this for her dad, but forgot it on the trail bench?  We'll never know.
I have not seen this before, but thought it was a nice flower arrangement premade.  It is Cranberry Viburnum.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

 A peaceful bridge on the Ontario Pathways trail.  What you don't see is a busy highway, routes 5 and 20.  This is a brand new bridge since the previous rail bridge was removed by a truck and trailer, as the paper stated "decommissioned".
 The Petunia garden at Sonnenberg Garden.
The Blue and White garden is mostly white right now.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

More Deer and Viceroy

 these 2 were wandering around in the swamp making noise like a Sasquatch. 
The butterflies are starting to come out.  This is a Viceroy.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


 This guy is going to be at least a 4 point
This guy needs to grow more points but he is so proud he is smiling for the camera