Sunday, February 28, 2010

The snow is not going away ...

We had a bunch of snow on friday and more on saturday, and more on sunday. Enough already! It has been warm enough to melt some away each day, but we seem to accumulate slightly more each day. At this rate we will up to our necks by June.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The day after ...

We went to the local park which is about the only place that there is parking plowed out. Grenville had a great fun charging through the snow which was up to his belly.
This shows the snow depth.
Red-bellied Woodpecker out doing his thing in the falling snow.
The Mallards were making use of the open water. They are a little early moving north.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Huuugh Snow storm

We had the snow storm of the season which means it was over about 3 inches. Actually it amounted to about 12 inches in my yard, a lot but nothing we can't deal with. The sunset was almost dull because of the clearing sky.
The sunset also had a nice moon rise.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

LeHigh crossing

It snowed again last night and they are promising snow until tomorrow or Saturday. It is quite pretty outlining the bushes.
We are on the Lehigh Valley trail looking over the bridge where the Auburn RR went underneath.
A little further down the trail is a nice stop to sit and rest your weary bones.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

On the Trolly Trail

It was just at freezing ( considered warm at this point in the season) with just a little snow making for a very beautiful walk, but also very difficult to capture in a photograph.
Got this picture yesterday of sunflowers in winter. (See 31 Jul 09 for the sunflower in bloom )

Monday, February 22, 2010

Red Tail again

I have photo graphed this guy on many occasions. When we first saw him he was hangin' in the tree looking over the field.
Later we found him in a bush along the road. Just a great looking bird and fun to photograph.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A red breasted bird

I am not sure what this is. I thought he was an American Goldfinch but the breast is soo red that I am thinking Scarlet Tangier?? Oh well neat bird in my back yard.
How about a Finch?

Bald Eagle

We were driving past the south end of Canandaigua Lake at Woodville. I looked over and saw a large bird on the ice, so we turned around and parked in the boat launch. He is probably close to 1/2 mile away so even the big lens is not enough.
He has a fish and has been nibbling at it with one crow constantly watching. The second crow showed up to start a dialog. Shortly there after they all left, but I didn't see it so I don't know if he took his fish with him.
I have a picture of a young Bald Eagle before he had a white head, but this is the first I have of one with the white head. It may even be the same guy because both pictures were taken with in about a 1 mile radius.

Friday, February 19, 2010

A bleak hill top

It was bleak and windy on top of Fort Hill so we just turned around and went back into the woods for protection.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Still No Swimming

The bridge from nowhere to nowhere or so it appears.
I have taken this before, but I still like it. Still no swimming in the pond - no life guards.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Park

This is a nice little park along the road in a field. I don't have any idea why it is there, but it well done.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


The Victor Hills are some what obscured by the lite snow falling as we look over the field with Victor in the valley.
It was just below freezing, but actually quite warm inside the "wiki-up" even without a fire. The doorway is cover with a real deerskin, however, the rest is cover fake bark.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Along the creek

I would like to think these are beaver tracks, but they are too small. I think they probably were made by a raccoon.
The bridge over the creek.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Pictures have been hard to come by lately, so this pic of Grenville pretending to be a puppy going through "puppy fits". He runs ahead 25-30 ft then swings around and runs passed as fast as he can, continues 25-30 ft swings around and runs passed again. He keeps this up for about 3 figure 8s. It is just to burn off excess energy.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

European Starling

These are just few of a very large congregation of Starlings.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fishers and the Auburn - Rochester RR

Took the Auburn Trail into Historic Fishers this morning. This where the RR started in 1840 and was later sold to the NY Central.

The pump house is interesting because the early trains couldn't go more that about 30 miles without taking on water, but had coal for long than that. So the pump house was very important
This one had an underchute water wheel to power the pump using the nearby creek as the water supply.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hawk and Black-Cap

I've been told that this tree has appeared in many Kodak ads etc. That is before it was hit by lighting.

this Redtailed Hawk sits on the power line where he has a good view of the field.
The Black-cap was going from branch to branch to Cattail. He was funny spending most of his time hanging upside down.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Geocaching along the Flint

Once again we were out geocaching this morning since we are again passed over for the snow to the south. This is Flint creek.
My friends Steve and Deena pointed out this snowman. Pretty neat!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Birds find dinner

This hawk is having his breakfast
I made him nervous so he moved a little further away with meal
A Black Cap looks for food
A Blue bird. This is the best picture I got of him. My camera would not lock on focus so would not take a picture. This is a very annoying "feature" of the camera which prevents you from taking a bad, out of focus picture. When I reset the focus to close focus the bird was gone.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fort Hill

This a view of Fort Hill taken from the hill to the east where the Indian village of Ganondagan was located. This is a trail we haven't walked on before so it was great to see a new vista. It was snow slightly so the visibility was reduced and will be interesting to see on a clear day.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Some birds are out

This Red Tail was looking over the field for mice etc for breakfast. On the otherside of the street was a murder of crows with what I think was a white crow in amongst them. I tried to get some shots of him but they are blurry and he was way on the otherside of the field. Oh well!
Mean while this Cardinal was breakfasting on the wild grapes still on the vine.