Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A mixed day

This shot of a Wood Duck in the sky shows what we found on the walk - Dark clouds, Light clouds, and blue sunny skies. What more could you ask for?
A Ruby Meadowhawk visits a daisy.
If all the wild raspberries ripen there will be a bumper crop this year.
This is an Angelica which I thought might be a Giant Hogweed since it quite large. However, the leaves are not deeply cut, with a smooth stem and the plant is much smaller than the Hogweed . I did find that one of the first Hogweed plants imported was not far in Rochester's Highland Park.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Dull Grey day therefore Wild Flowers.

Found a spot with several Butterfly Weeds.
This Canada Lily (? many others look the same) was on a trail new to me.
The little bee flies up to the flower.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fun stuff at Ganondagan south

The Ratcoon looks for dinner along the creek
One of 2 Blue Herons uses a dead tree to look over the beaver pond for food.
A little closer look at a bird which doesn't look like it was built to be in a tree top.
Several Baltimore Checkerspot were fly about in the open fields.
A dragonfly "hangs 10" on the stem.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Stid Hill - north up the hill

With all the rain and heat we have had I am surprised that I don't see more mushrooms. The Indian Pipe is a flower not a mushroom.
Aphrodite Fritillary.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A dull gray day, so ... flower pictures

Climbing Nightshade
For "Misty Morning"

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Some local stuff ...

The squirrel is trying to shade himself with his tail since it is quite hot even in the morning.
An Oriole looks around.
The dragonfly just pretends it is the Jurassic period and he is about to take down a T-rex.

Monday, June 21, 2010

A trip to the beaver pond.

The Wood Ducks are not fully developed, but can fly a little. Just realized this blog is over a year old (Jun 13 09)! Since it is a photo blog I have nothing to add.
A Cedar Waxwing flys through the pond.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday morning

Not as much fun as yesterday. This mth walked around the daisy trying to give me the best shot.
The Dragonfly just hangs around on a sunny day.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Coon ...

This Coon was coming down the trail toward us as I took pictures. Then I realized it is not verging from the path and might be rabid as it was getting very close ...
I moved a little and it took off and I knew that it was normal. Grenville had been behind me so I didn't see what he was doing, but I think he was battling the Deer flies which were out in clouds. He did shout out when he got to the tree and went briefly crazy running around it, but didn't look up to see the coon.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Relaxing at the far end of the trek.
The Damselfly basking in the sun.
A little Newt about an inch and 1/4 long. Very neat.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Euerle spring in the swamp.

This little (about 3-4 inches in diameter) Painted Turtle was sunning himself, since we have had rain and cloud for days
A Fragrant lily in the sun
Green in the woods

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The colour green

The Blue Flag in the rain.
This picture is dedicated to the color green. Otherwise it is a primeval forest.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Geocashing near Belfast,NY

This is the only remaining building from the Old Genesee Valley Canal which runs at the front here. Belfast, NY.A rail bridge down near Belfast, NY where we were hunting Geocaches.
For the shade tree mechanic

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A great spring day

A Monarch starts feeding for the journey to Mexico
The little Green Heron hunts from on high
This little squirrel was just sunbathing. I think it may have been asleep with it's eyes open.
The view from county rt #12. Canandiagua is at the very end of the lake.

Monday, June 7, 2010

3 deer

These are 3 different deer we saw today.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

And now for something completely different ...

Chief Pontiac at the 60th anniversary of the AACA. I think that is the Antique car club

Pierce Arrow
International Harvester truck '03, over 100 years old!

Friday, June 4, 2010


The wild strawberries are ripe. I think I didn't try them but they look ripe.