Friday, July 25, 2014

By the way

 Sunrise yesterday, but could be any day this week
 A fawn on the trail
 Mom shows herself as she watches the fawn
 Grenville spies the fawn jumping around and takes chase, but stops after they leave the trail.  Some animals are just no fun.  He only wants to play.
A Northern Flicker checks out a tree.

Monday, July 21, 2014

At the State Park.

 I think this is a Kestrel
I almost caused this Milk snake grat pain when I just missed stepping on him by stutter stepping over him.  He did sit and wait for photos.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Mid July week

 A Blue Heron hanging out in the tree tops
 A sunflower
 It's hard to get ducks in a line , but almost impossible to get all your geese in line then not make a left turn.
 A Brown-eyed moth
I thought it was odd for a Blue Heron to be in a field, but it is swampy with lots of frogs so...  when I looked at the pictures on the large screen I was very surprised to see this Sandhill Crane not the heron I expected.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The past week

 A Cedar waxwing looks for dinner.
 Mom and baby cross the path

 At the Geneseo Air show this British Mosquito takes to the air.  Since it is a plywood aircraft it is amazing to see 60 years later
 A B-24 flys trough the flac in the dusk
If you fly with these guys pay full price including the landing fee.

Monday, July 7, 2014


 These guys were just looking at us as we started on the trail
When we returned home this rabbit sat very still while my dog sniffed around the shed on the left and totally missed the bunny.