Later that night ... Heard some booms and I realized they were fireworks not thunder. I just grabbed my camera and ran out on my front steps to take some pictures. I didn't have time for a tripod or long lens, but this is what I got. Not great, but kind neat never the less.

We were hiking through the swamp this morning and found a load of birds that I don't normally see. The guy above is a Baltimore Oriole.

When I first saw this guy I thought it was an Oriole, but on closer inspection I think it is a Barn Swallow from the color, but the tail isn't quit long enough. Don't know ...

As bird pictures go this is not much for id use, but I love the way the Common Yellowthroat is looking around the leaf at me.

Not sure what we have here. It might be a female Scarlet Tanager or it might be a Warbler.

Some how we disturbed this Blue Heron and he flew up with much squawking and circling until he finally left.

The female Northern Cardinal had something for lunch.
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