Rained early this morning just enough to get my pant legs all wet in the tall grass of Stid Hill south. It cleared up and was sunny enough to use the big lens for some butterfly and dragonfly hunting in the open field. Got a couple not good pix of a deer as it ran across the field. Would have gotten better shots if I had taken the lens cap off (i did) and Turned the camera ON. The shot above is Goldenrod Spider (
Misumena vatia) making a meal of a Little Wood Satyr (
Euptychia cymela). I was making a pic of the Wood Satyr and noticed the white lump, but I didn't realize what it was until I got home and reviewed the my pictures.

The White Admiral (
Limentis arthemis) was up in a tree so I, being vertically challenged, had a hard time getting a good vantage point but I think this shows the great color combinations of this guy.

This is not the deer I mentioned earlier, it is one I saw in a field as I was driving home. I had seen 2 deer and 2 fawns here about a week ago and hoped to get some pictures of the fawns. I didn't see any fawns but this deer is standing and the fawns wouldn't be tall enough to be seen in the grass.
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