Sunday, May 28, 2017

Mink on the trial

 Yellow Warbler
 Mink on the trail
 Oh Oh trouble coming fast
Yellow Flag in the marsh

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Mostly spring flowers

 Trillium in bloom
 A Purple Trillium
 Pear blossums
 A whit trillium after a rough couple days of rain an cold

 Dogwood blossums

 A White Trillium as it fades an dies
Trillium were very plentiful this year

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Apple blossoms and others from this week on the trails

 View of Seneca lake from Starkey's Lookout Brewery
 1 May 017 sunset
 Sometimes you just have to smell the flowers

 A Bluebird of happiness