Saturday, April 29, 2017

Bloomin' pictures

 Purple and white Trillium are out.  My sign of spring and stuff to photograph
 Blood root
 Trout Lily
 It must be warm the Garter snake is out
 This maybe my first encounter with a Wood Thrush a first is always kind of special
 Apple and cherry trees are full of blossoms.  This may be a year of plenty
 Apple blossom
More apple

Friday, April 21, 2017

Spring on the trail

 Deer happy to see us. I guess, because he stared for a long time before moving on
 The Bluebird is looking for a mate
Looks like this pair of House Finches are just looking for home.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Gone to the birds mostly ...

 Daffodils are every where
 A Downy Woodpecker
 must be  Cardinal
A Ring Neck Pheasant that made it through hunting season, winter and fox/coyote season

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Spring is spring with steps back

 The Deerfield 3
 Coltsfoot full bloom
 Snow and cold again
 Coltsfoot trying to hang on in the cold
 At last spring is here the golf course in under water

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Spring is lookin' close

 I have not seen a skunk cabbage until now but they have probably been around for a month I just have not been to the swamp.
The normal geese and ducks were not at the swampy end of the lake, but a couple were there like this Wood Duck