Sunday, March 30, 2014

March goes out like a Lion

 How the trail looked last Tuesday and up to yesterday
The trail this morning.  Notice Grenville leaping to be able to move at all.  At least it is March where expect snow.

Friday, March 21, 2014

The flowers are finally blooming

 These guys are Looking for spring.
 The Skunk Cabbage is finally in bloom a couple weeks later than normal.
 Spring can only be around the corner.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Deer that made it through the winter

 Yesterday's deer
Today's deer.  A White Tail if you had not guessed.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A March 12 storm roils through

 The path this morning with a little snow maybe 1-2 ins after about 3 hours of snow.
 Slightly later in the afternoon maybe 4 in on the railing
In the evening about 6 in
Later in the evening the wind is still howling at 40-50 mph and the snow is still falling.  Currently it is 15° F I'm just glad it is March not January when it might have been cold as well as snowy.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


 These Redheads and Lesser Scaup share the open water in this little pond.  There has been very open water anywhere with the Great Lakes mostly frozen over and the local Fingerlakes frozen oven.

Errata:  in the previous post I called them Canvasbacks, but they were more likely the Redheads like these.

Friday, March 7, 2014

March comes forth we hope

 The Canvasback and Canada Gooses gather around the open water on the golf course pond.
 Once again it is the annual Orchid Show at Sonnenberg Garden in Canandiagua NY.