Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sunny but ...

 Sunny but very cold at -15° C
We have had so many cold days that I expected to see Canandiagua Lake frozen completely, but there is still lots of open water.

Monday, January 27, 2014


 How windy?  Enough to roll up these snow balls.
I've never seen this before but it sure is neat.  It is still to bitter cold to stay out long.  Hopefully this will change in about 2 days.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Too cold to shoot

It has been bitter cold here lately so our walks are very short with little opportunity for pictures.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Nomes on the move

 This was the only Christmas Nome left in the snow the other day when I looked for them
 Then I found this guy down the trail
He was trying to get out of the snow.  It will be interesting to see if there are others buried in the snow scattered along the trail.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Sam MaGee

 (No picture.)  It went from about 45° F this morning to 12° F currently and will drop to below zero tonight.  Sam MaGee describes it best.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Things are warming up ... briefly

The snow stack is shrinking.
Clark Gully waterfall in the winter.  Not quite frozen over with our sub-0° F weather.  It did give someone a chance to walk up to the upper falls and the top.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New Year !!!

 A New Year Red Tail Hawk looking for something anything to eat.
 This snow has created problems for the Hawk
 But hides the 0° F we have had
Not much activity with a high of about 8° F  we didn't mess it up. I went down the trail a short distance and looked back to see where Grenville was.  He never left the parking lot and was heading for the car as fast as he could while holding all four paws off the ground.  A short walk.