Wednesday, May 29, 2013

On the trail today

 Ok, this girl was just off to the side and I did disturb her sleep
 The Garter Snake was sleeping also in what sun we had after some pretty heavy rain
 A closer stare
Mr and Mrs Cardinal were out but only Mrs would stand for a portrait.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Down by the old beaver pond

 A King Fisher looks for dinner from the branch of a high tree.
 Mean while, on an other tree branch a Blue Heron looks for frogs etc.
And near by a dragon fly just flies about.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Spring moving into summer

The Wild Germaniums are thriving in the forest and field.
 Garter snake sneaks of the path. One of man we saw.
A couple of Painted turtles bask in the sun and overly warm weather.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Spring is moving on

 Rochester is the "Flower" city largely because of the Lilacs, but they are all over.  These are wild in a lot that probably had a home at some point.
 A Northern Flicker stopped just long enough for a picture
This centipede was trampoling the forest floor

Sunday, May 12, 2013


 This Coyote was on the trail well ahead of us which was good until he started to come in our direction.  I was getting a bit nervous until ...
He turned off (we had decided to return to the car long before this).  He had done the right thing, where he was he had swamp and water on both sides, but coming back he got to the end of the field where he could easily evade and escape.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Way too many pictures

 Pics from the last several days.  Lilacs since this The flower city and these are wild, probably from where an old house was.
 More Lilacs
 Mertensia (Blue Bells) line the path in the park
 But alas the are dropping in the heavy rain
 Yellow Warbler
 Love this Cardinal peaking around to see me.
 This is amazing - the willow is dead and rotting but a new tree rises from the bark.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


 Apple blossoms
 Apple blossom
 I think this is pear (?)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Spring scenes

A Leopard frog is lucky he moved from under my shoe.
 Out of sight of the picture is a hayfield with mice for this pair of Redtail Hawks
 Purple Trillium are starting to die off.
 And the Jack-in-the-pulpit are moving in
Note this rotting Willow trunk with new a new tree starting to grow.  Amazing.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Found on the trail

 This purple Trillium was lite by the sun
 The Jack-in-the-Pulpit is about 1-2 weeks early spring must be here
How did this Cheshire Cat get into the tree in the middle of the woods.  Can the Mad Hatter be far behind .