Saturday, April 30, 2011

Great Egret

 This is the first Egret I have seen much less photographed.  Way cool!
Great Egret Ardea alba

Friday, April 29, 2011

Trillium and Hares

 Have not seen these guys for a while.  All winter they have left footprints, but no sitings.
 More Trillium
More White Trillium

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mostly Flowers and a snake

 Trout Lily are out in abundance actually in the woods.
 Large-flowered Trillium
No so large Garter Snake found by Grenville in the old leaves.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Warm and rain free for hours

 This Northern Water Snake was out sunning but was probably driven from it's den by high water on the lake.
 These Wood duck were on the path in the water covering the path.  You can see the water covering the path from all the rain we have .
 This Muskrat was patrolling the road ditch.
At the state boat launch in Woodville, NY you can almost launch your boat in the parking lot.  Missing from the picture is the docks that are underwater.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A day at Fishers park

 A nice place to sit awhile.
 Watch the Blue Birds
Or the frogs

Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring is finially blooming forth ...

 Bloodroot has finally opened out.
 Not sure if this is Wintergreen or some other flower but there are bunches turning up
The Trillium have arrived, only about 15 days later than last year.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

On the move ...

 Locally we found this Marsh Marigold, the first of he year.  On the way to the Southern Tier we saw a bouquet.  Oh well the south is so much ahead of us North of 42°
 Had to stop and get picture of the White Deer (and the regular white tail)
 The Taughannock creek really cruising with all the rain we are having and have had in the last few days.
Taughannock Falls SP. The ice is gone but the water is flowing full on.  The rain falling and the mist are doing their best to obscure the falls.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Stid is coming down

 The cascades at Stid Hill south

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Good news ...

The good news is we didn't get rain, the bad news - we got sleet (the white dots on the path).  Spring is having a hard time getting here.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

During the snow and cold

The Trillium have been in stasis for the past week and half, but are trying to bloom forth.  No warth in sight so we may be like this for weeks to come.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The same old Fox

I have caught this Fox before(see mar 30, 2011), but this time I stopped and got out of the car to take his picture.  I kept the crown of the road between us which worked well except when he pounced then all I got was road.  Another great shot blown.  But he got this fat mouse so all was not lost.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


 Not sure what this is I can't find it in my books or online.  After the plant fills out I may be able to figure it out.

Friday, April 15, 2011

A day for the birds

 This Cardinal was making a lot of noise looking for a mate
 Blue birds seem to becoming more prevalent in the past few years.
 The Robin by contrast to the Blue bird
Bloodroot by the Bridge.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A good day hunting ...

 Grenville was trying to figure out where this guy was because he could smell him.  Then he had to figure out how to get him and by then the Muskrat was well upstream.
 Grenville flushed this Turkey from the underbrush and it flew into the beaver pond and swam away.  Smart move this time because Grenville doesn't like to swim, but a Coyote could easily out swim him.
 I still love to colours of a Woodduck
 Last year this guy would have been full on.  I guess it has been cooler this year.
The Woodchuck didn't Grenville nor did Grenville see him so I got to take some pictures

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A cool rainy day in spring ...

 Rain on the new flowers.
A Bloodroot bud in the rain.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Early Trillium

It was very warm yesterday so I went back to the Trillium I had seen Sunday.  They are only slightly more advanced, but many more are on scene.

Monday, April 11, 2011

It must be official-spring

 When I touched this I realized that it was a fungi.  It was just such a bright red.
There was a patch of these Coltsfoot along the trail so guess it is official - Spring is here.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Didn't expect this

 Didn't expect to see Trillium at this stage since it has not been very warm until recently
The Turkey Vultures have just hovering around lately.  They are so graceful in the air.
 These Woodduck were looking for a nest in the beaver pond.  I have been trying to get pictures of these because they are even more beautiful than the Turkey Vultures and much more skittish.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Stid Hill South ...

The water is starting to dry up as the snow is gone and warmer weather is arriving slowly.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Green-winged Teal

I think this is the first Green-winged Teal I have seen and definitely the first I've photographed.  What a pretty bird.  I hope you can see the subtle colours on the wings and the head.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A bunch of stuff

 Not sure what this is, but it is the first growing up in the forest.
 A Cardinal was calling for a mate and lots of others were around doing the same.
 A Starling admires himself in the water.
I think this is a Coltsfoot, but it is the first flower I have seen this year.  It has been very warm so this is a good sign.